Friday, March 30, 2007

Please Stop Blowing Up My Myspace

This is not the usual blogging that I do, but is a little something I like to call PAYBACK, BITCH. I've got questionable taste in pretty much everything: men, music, facial piercings. So this entire post is just FOR THE RECORD:

To kick things off slow

YES, I thought Jesus Christ Superstar (the Broadway version not the movie version) was a pretty solid album. YES, Gilmore Girls is hands down my favorite television show. And YES, I have a ridiculous Tom Delonge lip ring, though hopefully not for long.

And now to kick it up a notch

That Guy Outside Of Rudy's That I Drunkenly Agreed To Go On A Date With - decent music taste, cool coat that looks totally cute on me. Nevertheless, not interested. Smoothies? Sure. Dinner & a movie? Not so much.

Cap'n Swag - mouthy and sort of obnoxious, though pretty funny if you're in a "Hate Yourself" sort of mood. Still...not interested, as my apparent deep hatred can only be quenched with lava. That's right, lava. I don't get it either. How ya like them apples, son?

That Kid I Knew Way Back When Who Loves Crass And Wolf Eyes
Pretty Much All Of My Old Romantic Endeavors
And You And All Your Friends

NOT INTERESTED, so you can tell your girlfriends and "fiances" and whatever else that they can all stop checking me. Thanks.